13 January 2021
To all Derbyshire GPs
Dear Colleagues
Derbyshire General Practice should rightly be proud of the way it has risen to the challenge of delivering COVID vaccinations in very difficult circumstances. You have adapted quickly to ever changing instructions and delivery schedules from NHSE.
In relation to the timing of second doses, we completely accept the national position, and we are aware of the pressure on commissioners to ensure that this is adhered to.
However, there are occasions when clinical judgement and discretion must be used to avoid wastage of valuable vaccine.
There will be a small number of occasions when, despite working hard to bring in people from a waiting list for first doses at short notice, a number of factors e.g., vaccine close to expiry time, patients not turning up etc. may inevitably mean there could be unused doses of vaccine.
It would seem criminal to waste vaccine in such circumstances. Therefore, having explored all other avenues available we would advocate the giving of a second dose and would support practices in doing so.
Dr Kath Markus
Chief Executive
Derby and Derbyshire Local Medical Committee